Hindlip CE First School
Love and respect ourselves, others and God's world
Telephone: 01905 453455
Email: [email protected]
           Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' in all areas - June 2024

Yellow Class

In Yellow Class we have a mixture of Year Two and Year Three pupils. The children continue their learning through the Key Stage 1 curriculum into the Lower KS2 curriculum.

Our class teacher is Mrs Burton, supported by Mrs Green as class teaching assistant. Our Head of School Mr Uren teaches Yellow Class on Fridays. They create a vibrant and positive environment where the children are able to continue to flourish and grow in independence, as they follow a rich and progressive curriculum to complete KS1 and begin their KS2 journey.

All of our Year Three pupils from Yellow and Orange Classes come together for Maths, Phonics, French, PSHE/RSHE and Swimming. Yellow Class Year 3 pupils cover all statutory Year 3 content and often work as a small group alongside the teacher or teaching assisstant in our garden room or art area. Our Year 3 pupils thrive off being given the chance to be excellent role models for the Year Two children in their class, as well as take on additional responsibilities.

Children have timetabled garden sessions outside in our garden area. Many subjects are taught outside including Science, Maths and outdoor and adventerous activities. 

Our Yellow Class pupils continue to grow the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to become active citizens of society and happy, curious life-long learners. We ensure that learning is accessible for all, and that children’s individual progress is valued.

Children learn to reflect on their own goals and develop a love of reading, writing and number. We make meaningful cross-curriculum links, follow the children’s interests and provide enhancement opportunities to engage each child and help them develop a love of learning.

In Yellow Class we continue to grow and celebrate a language-rich curriculum, as we know this is essential to the successful acquisition of skills and knowledge across the curriculum. All our children continue to enjoy teaching of systematic, synthetic phonics and a structured spelling programme. Their love of reading is further grown with planned exposure to a range of authors and reading genres and opportunities to value and celebrate reading across the curriculum. 

We continue to work collaboratively with parents and carers to encourage independent, enthusiastic learners who thrive and reach their full potential. Community involvement is also an essential part of the curriculum. Throughout their time in Yellow Class, the children further grow a sense of belonging to our school, church and wider communities.

We work to support individual need, to ensure each pupil is supported to do their very best, working alongside parents and with outside agencies, where necessary, for all groups of students. 

See our curriculum area to find out all about our Yellow Class curriculum

The gallery below is a fantastic window into Yellow Class and all the exciting things the childen do:
