Hindlip CE First School
Love and respect ourselves, others and God's world
Telephone: 01905 453455
Email: [email protected]
           Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' in all areas - June 2024

School Council

School Council meet throughout the year to discuss ways to improve our school. Please take a look at our School Council noticeboard in the cloakroom to see the amazing things that we have done this year! Mrs Mirza leads school council and they meet every half-term to discuss how pupils and adults can work together to improve our school.

Here are some of the projects around school which the School Council initiated:

  • A 'mud play area' in the garden
  • A wooden stage to perform routines and plays on
  • More bikes in Reception and KS1
  • More iPads and laptops in KS2
  • More outdoor bins to prevent litter

This term the House Captains have decided to increase the amount of recycling each class does. They have bought new bins using their budget and now all of the milk cartoons and milk tops are recycled. They have also been running a comptiton to design the new logo for Little Deer afterschool care. 

They loved meeting with Andrew Clarke, our Chair of Governors, and Avinash Parmar our Deputy Chair who talked to them about their job as school governros and to help them plan their next objectives.

Our current councilors are:

  • Elijah
  • Toby
  • Rosie
  • Robbie
  • Renelle
  • Matilda
  • Nicole
  • Daisy
