Hindlip CE First School
Love and respect ourselves, others and God's world
Telephone: 01905 453455
Email: [email protected]
           Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' in all areas - June 2024

About Our Classes

The school has places for 20 children in each year group. We have four classes which are organised as follows, with some mixed age classes (click on the class name to jump to their class webpage):

Red Class - Reception - 20 pupils on average

Blue Class - Year 1 - 20 pupils on average

Yellow Class – Year 2 and Year 3

Orange Class – Year 3 and Year 4

Our classes have lots of opportunities to work together and to also work with their peers from Tibberton School.

For four days a week we are able to 'set' for Maths and Phonics/Spelling in Yellow and Orange Class. This means that children are taught in their year group groups of around 20 pupils.

Our experienced teachers plan a spiral curriculum which ensures that key skills are revisited and embedded at different points on our pupils educational journey. This curriculum has been carefully designed for the context our school, to provide a carefully planned framework of education, unique and evolving to meet the specific needs of our setting and the pupils in our care. This enables every person to flourish in the widest sense.

Please see our curriculum web pages.

The progress of each child is rigorously monitored and challenging targets are set according to individual ability. This supports both academic and social and emotional development. Children who have special educational needs are well supported and where necessary the help of specialist external support services is used to support individual children. More able and gifted/talented children are also given appropriate support and challenge.

We recognise the importance of communication between school and parents and we are always willing to discuss any aspect of the pupils' education and welfare. Parents can contact their childs teacher urgently through the school office, via class email and in person as we have an open door policy. We hold parent discussion evenings twice a year when parents and teachers can meet to discuss the work and progress of the children. A written report is sent home in July.