Hindlip CE First School
Love and respect ourselves, others and God's world
Telephone: 01905 453455
Email: [email protected]
           Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' in all areas - June 2024

Our School Priorities for this School Year

Headlines from our School Development Plan

Each year we review how our school is performing. This is an important part of our desire and commitment to serving with Grace so that every child is able to flourish. 

‘Grace is a gift from God.’ (Ephesians 2:8)

The areas for development have been identified through school self-evaluation processes contributed to by stakeholders including the Headteacher, Governors, Staff, Pupils, Parents, School Improvement Advisors and Ofsted. They reflect the unique contextual needs of our individual school as well as our wider federation. Blow is a summary of our current priorities:

  • To maximise progress and high expectations for children within specific groups and cohorts. This includes identifying individual need and working with outside agencies where appropriate, identifying cohort need, maintaining the best possible attendance which supports strong progress and attainment, prioritised support for our vulnerable pupils, best provision for pupils with SEND and other groups.
  • To maximise attainment in writing across the school. In line with national trends, despite attainment sitting above National attainment and good progress measures for all groups, this remains a priority as part of our high expectations and a 2-year drive towards pre-pandemic outcomes. Oracy skills have now been strengthened and our pupils enjoy a language rich environment (supported by our topic based spiral curriculum) where reading is deeply valued. A focus on oracy and reading into writing has supported improved outcomes and confidence/enjoyment of writing as we continue to develop writing fluency, spelling, writing stamina; handwriting; presentation; grammar and punctuation. These areas are deeply interconnected.
  • To continue to ensure the school’s theologically rooted Christian vison enables our community to flourish.  Reflecting the actions identified in our SIAMs self-evaluation, we will continue to grow, refine and develop the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision at all levels of school life, enabling pupils and adults in our community to flourish. This includes ongoing development of our spiritual identity and understanding, collective worship at the heart of our community and the provision of a deep and reflective RE curriculum.

Other areas:

  • Continue to promote wellbeing of all members of the school community, as a trauma informed school
  • Continue to grow our pupils’ love of reading
  • Ongoing review and continued development of School Website – new build for 2024 
  • Managed move to new MIS system
  • Ongoing upgrades to school’s physical environment